It has been a long time since I have written anything but I made a vow to myself that I would only write this thing when I am inspired to do so. I know some people I know will not agree or like what I have to say in this post but you know what, I don't care. I really don't. All I ask for is for you to try and be objective and look at from both sides. I know that people are going to read this and tell me I am wrong and all this other shit but I think it's to be expected.
Today, I came across an article that stated that the recently sworn in new Premier of British Columbia, Christy Clark, is pressing our Prime Minister Stephen Harper to approve the opening of the already denied "Prosperity Mine" which is located west of my hometown of Williams Lake.
Newsflash for her and all the people who have their collective heads in the clouds and think this ridiculous mine are going to save families and give everyone jobs...IT ISN'T GOING TO DO SHIT!
First things first, if you look at the unemployment rate of Williams Lake, it is said to be around 8-9% which works out to about 900 people of the entire community. Now this environmental disaster waiting to happen is supposedly going to give something like 300-350 jobs total, but don't quote me. That's hardly fixing all the employment issues in the community and while it is 300 new jobs that's only for 20-25 years tops. So after that everything goes back to where we are now? Who says that every person that is unemployed can or will be able to work at the mine as well? Do you really think they are going to hire ALL local and train everyone beforehand or is much more likely that they will get people to come in and get the mine fired up as soon as possible so THEY can get the money rolling faster? Then they will give locals menial jobs and pay them high so the worker thinks hey this is pretty good and meanwhile they are raking in the lion's share of minerals and cash that isn't theirs.
This also brings up the bigger conundrum of Aboriginal Land Titles. This mine is on the land that natives were segregated to and is supposedly theirs to do what they want with. So if that's the case, then shouldn't they honor the segregation they imposed on them? How is it that can just pick and choose what treaties and laws and other bullshit to abide by or do they loophole their way through everything?
Look at it this way, if the local Indian bands came and just started to dig up shit like the mining companies that came out west and did that on your property or your summer home, you'd hear about it for weeks on end in the newspapers and on the news and there would have been arrests and all kinds of other bullshit.
Like I said earlier, how is 20-25 years of employment going to solve everything? Instant gratification is the name of the game I figure. People just hear one thing and like the band-aid solutions. Because you personally now, as a resident of Williams Lake, will have a job for awhile, it justifies ruining a large section of the country just so you can go out and get stoned and drunk on the weekend more? People's shortsightedness is sickening to me and when you make the argument that we're going to screw future generations out of work you show that you don't see that by the time some of your kids and grand kids can work there, the mine could already be closed or they would be employed for 3-5 years. It's not a renewable resource. Hell, I am more for logging then this mine and I don't even agree with most of the logging policies!
Here is another point I would like to make. How is it that a environment destroying mega project such as this mine can seemingly get carte blanche yet when the Tsawassen First Nation has been approached by companies to introduce waste to energy incinerators through proper channels, it was met with such fervent opposition? These incinerators are very clean and would help reduce the use of giant landfills such as the one in Cache Creek where most of the Lower Mainland's garbage goes now.
The answer of course is the typical politicians on all levels PANDERING to the not in my back yard yokels that are the only dildos who are going to these town meetings and sadly are the people who still go out and vote. They say the smoke will be coming into Delta and the Fraser Valley and ruining air quality...I got news for ya assholes, as soon as you leave the lower mainland and go up north anywhere, you'll see that you have shit air quality as it is.
Here's an interesting little piece of information about said incinerators from Tsawassen Chief Kim Baird: (From the Abbotsford News, December 9th 2009)"The science speaks pretty clearly about that particular issue,"she said. "It's pretty compelling when a fireworks display lets out more emissions in 15 minutes than a waste-to-energy plant does in a year."
Now I am sure some will say, "oh yeah she's just drinking the Kool-Aid, she stands to get money so of course she is all for this." Well here's something for you chuckleheads that think that way. France has a giant trash to energy incinerator right in downtown Paris. In fact, it is not that far from the Eiffel Tower! The new plants such as this have many ways to get rid of odors and emissions.
Here is a review from this environmental website: Of course, modern plant is not like that; it is virtually non-polluting and certainly not smelling. A couple of years ago, I visited a plant in Lausanne, Switzerland and was impressed at just how odourless and clean it was.
With the Lower Mainland's dump in Cache Creek quickly approaching capacity along with most of our other options for trash disposal being the same state, why wouldn't this be streamlined in to action? Because our favorite pals in government can use to their advantage with the addle minded, NIMBY fucks that are going to vote for them and they can in turn push their parties agendas.
When you realize that none of the malformed inhuman mutants who inhabit the government don't care about you AT ALL and that they only want to push what they think is right, the sooner you'll realize that nothing you do or say really matters. It basically boils down to that you have to vote for the party that is least screwing you in the butthole with no lube...
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