Monday, May 31, 2010


Welcome to The Whole World is Work...

I have decided to enter into the ego centric world of blogging because you need to know my thoughts, I am just that cool. Suave even. Anyways, the title of this blog came from a favorite radio personality of mine, Bubba the Love Sponge. He was ranting about something and everyone on his crew, along with himself, came to the realization that the whole world is a work. What is a work you ask? It is a term from professional wrestling jargon:

Work. (n) 1. A rationalized lie. 2. Predetermined outcome. (v) To lie, deceive, or mislead someone.

Now this blog is not about wrestling at all but 'work' is the perfect way to describe how this so called world we live in operates. My blog will mainly focus on various things that basically make me flip out on a regular basis. Many times over the course if the day I see things that piss me sideways to Tuesday and I have finally decided to share my rambling, self absorbed, almost always obscenity laced thoughts and theories on this here interwebs deal, AKA the series of tubes.

It will also be filled with various strange things that amuse me because, well, I can do whatever I want, this is MY BLOG!!!

Be prepared, this will be an exercise in long winded pseudo-intellectualism and various cartoon references...

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