Religion is still the number one cause of war but it is also a great cause of idiocy as well. The religious populous has too much control and power in the good ol' US of A. They have so much of an influence that President Barack Obama had to go to church all of a sudden during his campaign (naturally it was just a photo op) even though he was never a regular parishioner of the church he was photographed at. Why? To pander to the salivating religious zealots that unfortunately hold the sway in voting down that way. He HAD to go make it look like he goes to church and that was enough for the few voters that were having their vote hinge on whether or not their future president goes to a building of their liking every once in awhile! Think about that! Even though they know he went there just to appease them and it came out that he was not a regular church goer, that was enough to alleviate their idiotic demands.
The not so new thing I find more disturbing is the religious fanatics seem to be getting more into power and they are pushing something that is worse than just outright wanting to kill those who opposed them. Morals. The "MORAL MAJORITY" is rearing their ugly head again in a form that is somehow more idiotic, more reprehensible, more outright loony, than ever before.
Recently there was a big surge in "grassroots" politics. The people want less, as they coined it, "BIG GOVERNMENT" and a group of political representatives that spoke for the common man and for the down home goodness of the apple pie cooling in the window sill America of yore...
Not a bad idea when you look at it like that is it? Less government and representatives that are more in tune with the man or woman in the street...well unfortunately for our Yankee counterparts these ideals are being put forth by what we have all come to know as "The Tea Party."
The Tea Party is a gaggle of morons who are allegedly "conservative" which is really a code word for "RELIGIOUS FANATIC." Don't believe me? Here are some interesting factoids about the views of the glorious Tea Party:
A University of Washington poll of registered voters in the State of Washington found that 73% of the voters who identified as Tea Party members disapprove of President Obama engaging with Muslim Countries. 82% do not think gay and lesbian couples should have the same right to marriage as heterosexuals have and about 52% agreed that, "lesbians and gays have too much political power."
Now what do all of these viewpoints sound like to you? To me they sounds like typical religious rhetoric that all stems from the age old tradition of religious folk thinking they know what is right for everyone.
Here's the another hot button issue as they say, an all time classic no-no for the religious...ABORTION!
The Tea Party representatives in Washington D.C. are Republicans, and as we know their track record for controversial issues is not so great. So to get back on track, recently there was a big controversy over cutting funding to what is known in the US as, "Planned Parenthood" which provides reproductive health and maternal and child health services. This generality of what they do covers the wide ranges of services but of course the religious right only sees it as UNCLE SLEAZY'S BIG HOUSE OF ABORTION! 9 ABORTIONS AND THE 10th IS FREE!
Well unfortunately for the Tea Party, only "3 percent of its operations go to performing abortions, while fully 84 percent goes to contraception and screenings for sexually transmitted diseases and cancer."
I have read numerous articles, facebook group posts, etc, that tell of women going to use the Planned Parenthood for mammograms and such things because they simply can't afford to with their health plans or lack thereof and they would have never gotten the service otherwise. How is that the Tea Party and Republicans are against ANYTHING that helps people but they are all for BIG BUSINESS? How does that work?
It all is under the guise of morals that we have to face this idiocy. By morals, the Tea Party and Republicans really mean religious values. They are against abortion in all cases. Rape, incest, even in cases where if they don't do it,the mother will die.
How can a person in their right mind be against a woman getting an abortion if the pregnancy was cause by rape and incest?! That certainly would make for an awkward Father's Day...
"Hey Timmy, you know that Uncle of yours that you never see? Yeah he forcibly had sex with Mommy and that's how we had you, my little inbred miracle!"
It is disgusting to think that people who have such moronic viewpoints have so much control and or want to have so much control over people. All for their supposed "morals."
Supposed "morality" is also a major cause of trouble here in Canada and even on local levels I see it poking it's ugly head through things.
A recent study has proven that the Vancouver's controversial Safe Injection site, has given Vancouver a 31% drop in overdose deaths but it's still facing high opposition. Something that is keeping addicts healthy, therefore keeping them out of our hospitals and clogging up an already overfilled medical system, is opposed? Oh wait I know why it's because of the drugs they are doing...they aren't the right ones...the cool ones...
Yesterday in the mail I received a notice that the city of Port Coquitlam are planning to build a bathroom in a local park. Naturally there is opposition to it because the group of concerned residents says and I quote right from the pamphlet:
We believe the addition of a bathroom in our park will compromise the safety of the residents and will :
They go on to say that, "even if the bathroom is locked at some point during the night, the structure, by it's very nature will provide a concealed area for EXPANDED ILLICIT ACTIVITIES!
So apparently opening this washroom in the park will make it the new downtown east side. Well I better vote against it. Never mind that the people who are against this bathroom's lousy kids would probably be the ones doing any of the listed activities. Kids never party around in parks at night, kids never do drugs, kids never make graffiti, nope, all this will happen when the DRUG CARTELS hear there is a NEW BATHROOM IN A PARK to set up shop. Who knows, maybe even hookers will be able to set up there too, what a venue for illegal commerce. I for one can't wait to go to there and buy an eight ball, get blown by a whore, and buy some illegal bootleg dvds at the bathroom in the park.
Where is the line drawn? They make it seem like Scarface is coming to town! It is very NIMBY of them. Not in my back yard always wins out it seems.
Why don't they close down 7-11? I have seen more drug deals there then at any park and it's right beside the Community Policing Station. Why don't they close down the bar where on any given night someone is chopping rails in the bathroom because cocaine makes sitting in a pub and watching hockey that much better? Why don't they close down parks and forests altogether because that's where kids go to party and do other nefarious acts of self harm.
What about all the good upstanding people who have fake painkiller prescriptions? You ever notice the signs they have about painkiller prescriptions at the pharmacies now? About how they can only fill a certain amount of painkiller know why they have to do this? Because people are addicted to painkillers. Why are they addicted to them? Because they are the same type of drug that heroin is. In fact, that is what heroin was invented as, a painkiller. But it's not heroin unless I shoot it so this is not as bad right? There is no difference to me other than the painkillers in the pharmacies don't ravage your body as much. They do however kill you just as easy, and possibly worse.
In Florida, the prescription pain medication addiction is so bad that 5 people a day DIE from it. But do you hear about that at all? NOPE...all you hear about is how we have to stop these drug addicts from getting their safe injections. We have to stop people from getting abortions because that is murder in the eyes of our invisible master!
When you really stop and look at what people prioritize and rally against, it makes you wonder what the fuck is going on. Why is that we rally against things that don't matter. There is no common goals, no such thing as human decency. A ridiculous dream that doesn't exist...
A scene from Terminator 2 sums things up better than I can:
John Connor: We're not going to make it are we? People I mean.
The Terminator: It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.
John Connor: Yeah, major drag huh...
The Terminator: It's in your nature to destroy yourselves.
John Connor: Yeah, major drag huh...